Saturday 1 June 2024

South Africa: Phoenix, Ellida, Dundrennan, Frontier II, Sydostlandet, Sri Rezeki & Mombak 572 shipwrecks

SAHRA Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage

April 6:

“This day in our shipwreck and aeronautical wreck history”

1881: Phoenix, this 3-masted sailing schooner washed up at the Noetsie River Mouth near Knysna in the Western Cape. Reports vary, but the most likely story is that it was abandoned at sea, with no trace of its master or crew ever being found.

1888: Ellida, this sailing barque wrecked in a north-westerly gale at Danger Point near Gansbaai in the Western Cape.

1895: Dundrennan, this British iron fully rigged sailing vessel wrecked in fog on Saxon/Bulldog reef at Struispunt, near Arniston/Waenhuiskrans in the Western Cape. The wrecking resulted in the loss of 25 lives.

1938: Frontier II, this steel motor-powered coaster wrecked in a severe storm on the rocks north of the Shixini River in the Eastern Cape.

The Frontier II (1938), date and location unknown

Some reports suggest that it was driven ashore due to dense fog and a strong inset. The scattered wreckage and remains are still visible on the rocks.

1942: Sydostlandet, this motor-powered seaward patrol vessel ran aground and wrecked in the Umgeni River Mouth at Umhlanga Rocks in KwaZulu-Natal. It was declared a constructive loss - the only South African naval loss incurred during WWII that was not the result of enemy action.

1971: Sri Rezeki, this Indonesian motor-powered cargo vessel/coaster struck an unidentified object which stopped its engines, and it began taking on water.

The Sri Rezeki (1971) being battered to pieces by the waves at Jongesfontein

With the pumps not coping and to avoid capsizing, the master steered it towards land, and it grounded on a rocky shelf at Jongensfontein, near Stilbaai/Still Bay in the Western Cape. The big seas quickly reduced it to a wreck.

1992: Mombak 572, this motor-powered ski boat foundered in a south-easterly gale near the Gordon’s Bay harbour in False Bay in the Western Cape, with one person drowning in the event.

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