Thursday 15 August 2024

South Africa: Columbia, Grace, Silence, Lockett, Imp, Saft & Harvest Tamara shipwrecks

SAHRA Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage

Karimona shipwreck in Namibia

June 4:

“This day in our shipwreck and aeronautical wreck history”

1796: Columbia, this wooden American sailing vessel became stranded on Salt River beach in Table Bay in the Western Cape. It is assumed that it wrecked.

1822: Grace, this wooden British ship’s cargo of whale oil leaked into its cargo of wool which caught alight near the Ratel River mouth in the Western Cape. It was abandoned near Struisbaai/Struis Bay in the Western Cape after which it was driven ashore and wrecked.

1830: Silence, this wooden British brig struck a submerged wreck in Table Bay in the Western Cape. It was driven ashore near the south wharf. Upon inspection a hole was discovered, and it was therefore condemned.

1884: Lockett, this wooden sailing barque wrecked in a south-easterly wind on the west bank of the Buffalo River in East London in the Eastern Cape.

1920: Imp, this motor-powered South African collier sank after parting from its cables in a north-westerly gale near Cape Hangklip in the Western Cape. It was swept out to sea whilst carrying coal to Stony Point when its engines swamped. Three of the four on board drowned.

1931: Saft, this sailing cutter wrecked on Dassen Island in the Western Cape after being run ashore.

2006: Harvest Tamara, this motor-powered South African fishing vessel foundered off the west coast in the Western Cape after a collision with the Anangel Splendour.

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