Wednesday 14 August 2024

South Africa: Schuylenburg, Surrey, Annie, Hansa, Catarina Doge, Trevelyan, Skarpjhedinn, Seatrader & Hung Mou Hao shipwrecks

SAHRA Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage

June 3:

“This day in our shipwreck and aeronautical wreck history”

1756: Schuylenburg, this wooden Dutch sailing packet ran into a violent storm and disappeared somewhere near Camps Bay in the Western Cape. The wreck site of the National Heritage Site, the São José (1794) was originally misidentified as being that of the Schuylenberg by divers before it was properly researched.

1857: Surrey, this wooden barque foundered off Cape Recife in the Eastern Cape.

1857 or 1859: Annie, this wooden brigantine was lost off the Cape Peninsula in the Western Cape.

1883: Hansa, this German brig wrecked at night during a north-westerly gale near Danger Bay in the Western Cape. Its wrecking resulted in the death of seven of the nine people that were on board.

1886: Catarina Doge, this wooden Italian barque ran aground and broke up just north of Olifantsbos Point on the Cape Peninsula in the Western Cape. Five lives were lost during the wrecking.

1888: Trevelyan, this British emigrant sailing vessel was last sighted on this day by the Drummond Castle in a gale off Cape Agulhas in the Western Cape. It is assumed that it foundered that night with the loss of all hands. In October of 1888, one of its lifebuoys washed up at Knysna in the Western Cape.

The Trevelyan (1888) docked, presumably at Sunderland Bay, Australia

1936: Skarpjhedinn, this steel South African steam-powered whaler was scuttled at 14:59 off Durban in KwaZulu-Natal.

1971: Seatrader, this motor-powered Liberian cargo freighter ran aground at full speed in thick fog on Cape St. Martin on the Vredenburg Peninsula in the Western Cape. Its engine block is sometimes visible protruding from the water today.

All that is visible of the Seatrader (1971) today at low tide

1976: Hung Mou Hao, this Taiwanese fishing trawler was lost at sea because of an explosion and a subsequent fire, about 500 km northwest of Cape Town in the Western Cape.

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