Wednesday 13 September 2017

South Africa: news from Sun City management | Сан Сити ЮАР

#SunCity #SouthAfrica #AnimalWorld #SunInternational #СанСитиЮАР

Sun City Management has decided to close the Animal World facility due to the perception of the general public about keeping animals in cages.

As an environmentally responsible company, we have re-homed all the domestic animals to a local farm, where they will enjoy the freedom of the open veld.

The animals will be closely monitored and be given the attention that they have become accustomed to.

Some of the birds that cannot be set free because of hand-rearing have been moved to upgraded facilities across the resort.

The female Blue Crane has been donated to a well-known breeding project to reintroduce into the South African landscapes.

Sun City is working on various projects to increase activities for children and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the closure of this facility.

YouTube channel: Exploring Namibia
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