Wednesday 30 April 2014

News from Mowani & Camp Kipwe - desert elephants tours

Enjoying the Rain at Mowani Mountain Camp & Camp Kipwe
We have not experienced a good rainy season in the last 3 years, however, the drought has finally passed and we have enjoyed 150 mm of rain since December.

What is so special about the Desert Adapted Elephants?

The desert elephant are truly incredible survivalists, regularly traveling hundreds of kilometers in search of water. They only drink every three or four days, compared to elephants in Etosha that drink one-hundred to two-hundred liters of water a day.  Unlike other elephants, the desert adapted elephant rarely knock over trees, break branches, or tear away bark, as if knowing that doing so would endanger their food.

Mowani Mountain Camp and Camp Kipwe offer Nature Drives in open-air vehicles with experienced local guides. One of the highlights of these nature drives is trying to find the rare and elusive Desert Adapted Elephant.

Our expert and knowledgeable guides are skilled at tracking Deserted Adapted Elephants and we have a success rate of over 80% in finding them.

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